2024 Outdoor School Gathering

Oregon State University (OSU) Extension Service Outdoor School program, Friends of Outdoor School, and Gray Family Foundation are pleased to invite you to the 2024 Oregon Outdoor School Gathering at the Oregon 4-H Center near Salem, Oregon!  

  • Tuesday, January 30, 2024: Optional pre-conference workshops/events 
  • Wednesday, January 31 and Thursday, February 1, 2024: Gathering

We hope that as a 2024 Outdoor School Gathering participant, you will:

  • Deepen your commitment to equity work in outdoor education
  • Cultivate relationships and build community with other outdoor school educators, programs, sites, and partners
  • Engage in professional learning around best business management practices, curriculum and instruction, high school leadership programs, culturally responsive outdoor education, and more

¿Tiene preguntas sobre la Reunión que no están respondidas en la página de preguntas frecuentes?

Contáctenos en outdoorschool@oregonstate.edu si tiene alguna pregunta o solicitud. ¡Esperamos verte ahí!

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